Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Okay, so I'm new at the whole blogging thing, but I thought it would be a great way to keep up with Uncle Scott and Aunt Becky, along with Mindy and Roger, and all of my friends that live away from me now!

A lot is going on at school right now! Registration for residence halls for next year is about to start in a couple of weeks, and there's a huge buzz on campus about that...Also, there have been a lot of activities on Campus already this semester...We had our first open mic night for University Union Board (UUB) Coffeehouse, and I guess that went well. I wasn't able to be there, because I had a lot of homework to do! UUB Concerts is getting ready to host our "Western Idol" show, which should be pretty fun. Hopefully we have a lot of people attending. Then later this semester, we have our big concert, which is David Cook, the winner of American Idol (see where we got the idea?) And there's already a pretty decent buzz about that. We're also having a "Battle of the Bands" in April, so that should be fun as well!

Last weekend, me and my girls all went out for the first time this semester and we had a great time! We went with Amanda's neighbor Mary and her boyfriend Alan, and met up with some other friends throughout the night. Alan is crazy about Karaoke, so that's where we went, and it was hilarious, but Alan can actually sing, which kind of surprised me!

<---This is a picture of Amanda and me getting ready for our night out! We had so much fun getting ready. Amanda's really fun, and her laugh is so infectious!

This is a picture of me and Heather before ---> we go out! Heather's a lot of fun, and we always have a good time together. She lives over in Washington, along with Amanda and Mary.

<---This picture is of Me and Kiah getting ready to go out! Kiah and I have so much fun together every time we're around one another. She lives in a building called Bayliss, and it's right next door to me, so Kiah's my dinner buddy! We usually eat at least one meal a day together, but sometimes more. Kiah tells really funny stories, and she can always find a way to make me laugh, even if I'm in a really bad mood!

This picture is of Molly and me. ----> It was actually taken last semester when Amanda, Heather, Molly, and I went to see the Rocky Horror Show that Hainline Theatre was putting on. That night was a lot of fun!

So, those are pictures my friends here in Macomb. Amanda, Heather, and Kiah are all on UUB Concerts and Coffeehouse committees with me, and we have a lot of fun. Last semester, we got to meet Tyler Hilton (Molly went to that concert too) and Eve 6. We always have a lot of fun, and Amanda always takes TONS of pictures, which I usually steal off of facebook, and then post later.

Well, that's all the news I have for now, and I'll keep you all posted!


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